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About Cambourne Church

Cambourne Church

We are:

  • a Christian community with members from all walks of life, of different church backgrounds and of none, growing together in understanding and mutual friendship…
  • sponsored and supported by the Church of England, Baptist Union, United Reformed Church, and Methodist Church who equip us in our mission and help us to appreciate that we are part of the historic Christian tradition…
  • thrilled to have the local Catholic congregation meeting in the building… 

Our Story

  • Late 1980s Church leaders begin to express an enthusiasm to get involved in helping create the new community of Cambourne. It soon becomes clear this will involve several churches working together
  • 1999 The first homes are built in Cambourne…
  • 2000 The church begins welcoming new residents through the ministry of Rev. Dr. Carrie Pemberton
  • 2001 The church begins meeting in the waiting room of the doctor’s surgery (now Cambourne Dental Clinic), led by our first full-time residential minister, Rev Peter Wood
  • 2002 The church leads local residents in reconditioning an old portacabin. Named The Ark, it becomes Cambourne’s first community building and the church begins meeting there on Palm Sunday…
  • 2005 The church outgrows The Ark and begins meeting in The Hub – Cambourne’s main council-run venue. In the same year, The Vine Inter-Church Primary School welcomes its first pupils, led by it's first head teacher Debbie Higham
  • 2009 The church begins meeting in our own, purpose-built church building at the top of the high street…
  • 2010 19 - The Coffee House begins serving residents in the foyer of the church building…
  • 2014 After Peter’s leave to take up another position in the diocese the previous year, Rev Matthew Trick becomes our second full-time minister…
  • 2019 Following Matthew’s departure to take up a new position in Hampshire in 2017, Rev Bill Miller becomes our third full-time minister. Shortly afterwards, The Annexe opens as a second space for meeting and ministry…
  • 2020 During the COVID-19 pandemic, the church begins broadcasting services on YouTube and Facebook. This continues even after we begin meeting again in person… 

Our Vision

Cambourne Church is committed to being a Christian community which is open, prayerful and loving which serves Cambourne with the good news that there is a loving and forgiving God and where disciples of Jesus Christ are made.
In this commitment, we feel upheld and led by the Spirit of God who is present in all our activities, and to whom we seek to be attentive.

Our Values

Cambourne Church Gospel values
Hello and welcome to our church. If you are a new visitor, we have a page for you to get to know us and learn more about planning a visit.
Click here to see more.

Planning your Visit

New to Church?

00 Welcome

Welcome! Whether you've just moved to the area, or have lived here all your life, we hope our website helps you to find out everything you want to know about our Church.

When & where does the church meet?

Sunday One will be on the first Sunday of the month. It is a 10.00am service for all ages with Communion. 

On the other Sundays of the month there will be 9.30am and 11.00am services, as usual, with groups for children and young people at the 11.00am service.
Communion will be celebrated on at least one of these Sundays, as publicised.

Any changes to this will be shared on our Facebook page or shown on the calendar here.

The 9.30 service is more traditional in style with the music mainly consisting of hymns played on a keyboard.
The 11am service is more contemporary in style with the music being lead by a worship team. Most of the songs are more modern than those played at the 9.30 service.

We meet at:
Cambourne Church
Jeavons Lane
CB23 6AF

You can see a map on our contact us page

There is limited parking available to the rear of the church building. The postcode of the car park is CB23 6DZ.

What should I expect when I visit the church?

You will receive a very warm welcome particularly from our Welcome Team who will be able to answer your questions and direct you to where you need to go. There will be some singing to start with as well as some prayers and a reading from the bible. There will be a talk (some reflections) from one of the leaders of the church, with a chance to discuss it further at the end of the service. 

Tea, coffee and biscuits are served after the service where there is plenty of time to meet new people and ask more questions.

What is there for children and young people at church?

We have a fantastic programme for the children and young people at the Church. Children and young people stay with their families at the start of the service as we worship (sing songs!) together for the first part of the morning. Someone will announce when the children and young people need to go to their programme. We have young church for those from Yr R - Yr 6 and a youth group for our young people in years 7-13. There is a creche in the church foyer for younger children.

Is there a dress code?

No! Please just be yourself and come dressed in your 'normal' clothes.

Will I have to join in?

Not at all!
You are free to simply observe or participate as much as feels comfortable for you.

Useful Links...

We have more information for you specifically if you…  

I have more questions; how can I get in touch and ask them?

Please feel free to contact us. If you want to know who works in the church office, check out our Who's who page.